Happy 9 months to Eisley yesterday! I can't believe it is already been that long! Plus I missed the 8 month post :( Well a little catch up...Eisley and I went to Snowflake for a whole month! Since Anthony was so busy with his internship with Protiviti and a case competition for KPMG I decided to have some fun with my family. Anthony finished his internship and they offered him a full time job when he graduates in 2013! I am so excited for that day when we wont be a poor college family haha well then we will be a student loan debt family...but at least we will be done with school!
Eisley is as busy as ever! Crawling like crazy and pulling herself up! When we were in Snowflake she practiced going up and down this one step in my mom's laundry room/green house doorway and I think it prepared her for the stairs. As soon as we got home, the stairs were all she could think about. The first time we let her go up them she climbed all the way to the top! She is one brave little girl! If she could she would climb stairs all day except she hasn't figured out how to go down.
She got her first tooth! She isn't fussy about it just sticks her tongue out a lot and does funny things with her mouth. I didn't even know it popped out until Anthony was feeding her and was like she has a tooth! I felt so bad I didn't discover it first since I am with her all day!
She is the sweetest thing, likes people, and loves to play with other kids. She is really fussy in church and hates just sitting on our lap and hates all the toys I bring for her. I don't know what it is but we just finally let her go and she crawled right over to 3 boys and was a perfect angel the rest of sacrament. Never fussed and loved every second. I always think that having another kid would be easier because then they can play together. I really don't like when kids run around in church so hopefully as she gets older she will stay with us or I have to think of some creative things for her to do.
Since she is so busy, taking pictures is a challenge sometimes. Here are a few I took yesterday.
Loves the dishwasher! Her face and hands are all wet from the water after it cleaned. She is so silly.
Loves books...well at least a couple she will only sit through 2 whole books and the others she tries to eat.
Never put another flower on my head again! She hates when I put anything on her head even her towel after bath time. |
Bright flash but look you can see her first tooth!! |